Let me introduce you to the organisation that makes more than half of my Arts Outreach Projects possible!

AEI's Raison d'être
Since its inception in 2012, the non-profit association
Arts Embassy International (AEI)
has provided a legal and fiscal structure through which my colleagues and I are able to :
do what we do best,
more often, and
in good conditions.

AEI Stats
10 years and counting
Between June 2012 et July 2023, Arts Embassy International has helped its member artists reach more than:
33815 humans of all ages,
over 4 continents
in 15 countries
in over 41 towns
across 14 states/regions
over 429 days
by facilitating 16 distinct programs
If you've been following my story this past decade - most, if not all, of the exciting projects you've seen me undertake are made possible thanks to the support of AEI.
It's time to spread the word!
The gift of time provided by the pandemic hibernation allowed us to develop a new website to showcase AEI's artists and their programs.