Achievement level unlocked, and how! October 10th, 2022 was my début appearance at this mecca for Chicago jazz.

Top Notch Band Leader
First off - kudos to Jeff Hedberg, my brother from another mother, for putting together a stellar program with swingin' arrangements!

Top Notch Band
And if Jeff weren't a quality leader, he wouldn't get the quality cats to play in his C11 band! Super awesome to share the stage with the likes of Rich Moore, Ted Hogarth, Nick Bisesi, Joe Lill, Steve Duncan, Darren Scorza, Joe Policastro... etc. etc. etc.

Packed House
On a Monday night, no less! Together we drew an enthusiastic crowd to fill this timeless venue for both the 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock sets.

Aficionados from far and near
And my personal invitees that showed up from nearly all 4 corners of the globe for this special event! Including Gigi and Luci from Chicago via Italia, Mark from Canada via Paris and Ohio, Mwelwa from Chicago via Zambia, Denise from Michigan via Paris, and Amy from Chicago via Paris and Florida (not pictured). So cool to to witness my worlds colliding at this time and place!
Merci beacoup!
To everyone who made this possible - from Jeff, the man with the band, to Ainsley at the Showcase to Gigi, Denise and Mwelwa for the photos.
It was a first, but let's not make it the last!